1959 Porsche Diesel 308 N
Ferdinand Porsche did not only design the original Volkswagen before WW II,
but was commissioned in 1937 with the development of a Volksschlepper or Tractor for the People.
After the war, the Austrian manufacturer Allgaier built a single cylinder Diesel tractor for
the local market. After several years of improving the model line-up - Allgaier contacted
Porsche, which had previously moved to Austria - to revive the idea of a Volksschlepper.
In 1951, the first two-cylinder model AP 17 was introduced and became an instant success. By 1955,
Allgaier could not keep up with the demand any longer and the Porsche Diesel Motorenbau GmbH
was founded in Friedrichshafen, Germany. 1959 saw the peak of the production with nearly
20,000 Porsche Diesel Tractors sold in four different models - Junior, Standard,
Super and Master - ranging from 14 to 50 hp.
1959 Porsche Diesel Tractor - more popular than a 356 of that year and outnumbering the
sports cars by four to one.